Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Narrative Text


Teks ini biasanya berupa cerita imajinasi atau fiktif (tidak nyata), seperti:

  • dongeng (fairy tale),
  • cerita rakyat (folktale),
  • mitos (myth),
  • fable (fabel), atau
  • legenda (legend).

Bagaimana dengan fungsi/tujuan, struktur, ciri dan contoh dari teks ini? Mari kita bahas penjelasan lengkapnya dibawah ini!


Social function/purpose of the narrative text is to amuse or entertain the readers with a story.

Tujuan dari narrative text adalah untuk menghibur pembaca dengan sebuah cerita.


Struktur penulisan (generic structure) dari narrative text terdiri dari:

Orientationpengenalan tokoh, waktu dan tempat kejadian
Complicationmasalah atau konflik yang dihadapi
Resolutionpenyelesaian masalah dari cerita tersebut


Ciri kebahasaan (language/grammatical features) dari narrative text, antara lain:

  • Past tense, kata kerja bentuk lampau, seperti: they lived in a villagehe was a poor farmer, dsb.
  • Action verb, kata kerja aktif, seperti: went, walked, sang, slept, drove, dsb.
  • Time connector atau conjunction, kata hubung seperti, then, soon, before, afteras soon as.
  • Direct speech, ucapan langsung, seperti:  “You should go now!”, said Laras.
  • Indirect speech, ucapan tidak langsung, seperti: the old woman said she didn’t find the ring.
  • Adjective, kata sifat, seperti:  beautiful, old, young, dsb.
  • Adverb, kata keterangan, seperti: happily, carelessly, carefully, dsb.


Berikut adalah contoh narrative text:

The Emperor and His Daughters

There was once an emperor who lived in a palace. He had two daughters but no sons.

He wanted his daughters to marry before he died. He found two princes. However, his daughters didn't like them. They refused to marry the princes, so the emperor became very angry. He said they must get married when they were sixteen years old.

The two daughters ran away during the night and found work on a farm. They fell in love with the farmer's sons while they were working there. They married the sons as soon as they were sixteen.

Adapted from: New Headway Intermediate Student's Book, 2003

Struktur (generic structure) dari text diatas:

OrientationThere was once an emperor who lived in a palace. He had two daughters but no sons.
ComplicationHe wanted his daughters to marry before he died. He found two princes. However, his daughters didn't like them. They refused to marry the princes, so the emperor became very angry. He said they must get married when they were sixteen years old.
ResolutionThe two daughters ran away during the night and found work on a farm. They fell in love with the farmer's sons while they were working there. They married the sons as soon as they were sixteen.


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